Measuring Spaces has continued to be a great success over the last 5 years and still is today. Measuring Spaces has been the innovator and innovation of measuring homes and creating quality floorplans in the Southern Indiana/Kentucky areas for the last 5 years and continues to be the market leader in the industry.

It has been a dream come true, building nothing into something with all your help and has totally exceeded my expectations. I never knew how much the industry needed a service like mine, until I realized how much of an impact it truly has made. I feel that I have represented and served the industry well. So, with that said, although business is booming and continues to be a great success, I have decided that I feel the time is right to make some changes.

Over the last 5 years and several conversations with agents, I have discovered how little is known about how to accurately and truly understand how to measure a home for square footage. Well, my goal is to change that. I would like to start focusing more on becoming a training company for square footage and ANSI Standards and less on creating quality floorplans, which will now only have limited appointment spots available. 

Unfortunately, there is innovation out that has been newly created and is easily accessible for anyone to measure a home more easily than the traditional way of doing so.A true home measurement specialist, as Measuring Spaces and local appraisers, know how to measure a home accurately and understands the ANSI Standards and Guidelines. WE DO NOT USE PHONE APPS TO MEASURE SQUARE FOOTAGE, NOR DO WE SEND IT OFF TO A 3RD PARTY TO BE CALCULATED.

Measuring Spaces uses a traditional hand-held laser and a measuring tape that measures in “tenth of a foot” measurement, same as an appraiser. I measure and sketch all my own work from scratch and never use a 3rd party. I can answer all your square footage questions and have the knowledge, education and certification to do so. Not to mention, my floorplans are top-notch quality and I take the time to create them myself.

If you are going to hire someone who is using the latest technology in phone apps to measure square footage or are going to use the latest technology in phone apps yourself to measure a home, at least understand it. It is important and helpful for those using these apps to be ANSI trained. Keep in mind, not all phone apps are created equally, there is not a phone app that can or will capture all measurements accurately and not all are ANSI compliant. Anyone who measures square footage should be educated in all ANSI practices and should know how to calculate square footage correctly, regardless of the method you use to measure square footage.

In order to calculate square footage accurately, you must always start with measuring a home from the outside. Measuring rooms inside the home and adding them together does not give you accurate square footage. Using poor measuring practices only hurts your client in the end when its appraisal time. It is never appropriate to use the tax records for square footage purposes. Tax records are not meant to be used as accurate square footage. Tax records are an estimation of square footage only and a lot of times incorrect. Unfortunately, this is used to often and is “good enough,” same with using a phone app, even if it doesn’t produce accurate square footage every time its “good enough.”

Those offering square footage measurements and floorplans as add-ons to their services, outside of Measuring Spaces and the local appraisers may not have the training, knowledge or education to answer questions or be able to explain any discrepancies that may arise nor recognize inaccuracies. I have personally heard there is very little to zero training on how to measure a home accurately in the real estate industry, which blows my mind, given square footage is the number one most important thing in the industry.

This is why I feel the time is right and important for Measuring Spaces to offer one-on-one hands on on-site square footage training. This is not offered as a classroom sitting nor group shadowing sessions. This is true ANSI square footage training at the homes of your choice. You will be learning and doing all the things that I do daily to accurately measure a home. This will require being in overgrown landscaping, kneeling on your hands and knees sometimes to measure ceiling heights or walls, maneuvering through tight and dark areas and messy homes.

No, I cannot teach, and you will not learn my job in one day. It takes time to understand and learn what I know. It’s a lot more complicated than one may think and keep in mind, I am also certified in what I know. I will teach you what you need to know, based on the home we do together and in time you will learn more and more. Not every home is created equally, therefore, learning requires more than a day. There is so much more to measuring than the basic rules that I can teach you in one day.

Hiring Measuring Spaces to help you learn and understand ANSI standards of measuring will help you better serve your clients in many ways from the beginning to end and will help differentiate you from others in the industry. This not only helps your clients but helps your career as well.

This is a separate service being offered and is not part of my standard services already offered. You can learn as much or as little as you want about ANSI standards and the accurate ways of measuring. This can be a one-time session, multiple training sessions or whatever you would like it to be and once you no longer need me by your side, you can pay a consultant fee to reach out with any questions down the road for as long as you would like the contract to be.

What you get with the new service offered:

Square footage Measurement report, jpegs of sketches, sketched outline of each level of the home with square footage and hands on on-site ANSI training at the home of your choice.

Starting at $150.00 and up.